Factor IN is a financial institution registered in 1997. Based on our experience and the desire of our customers in recent years, the company has started the development and offering of money transfer services in the country with the possibility of receiving up to 5 minutes! Factor IN offers the Factor Express service – postal money orders. Our license issued by CRC guarantees our clients clear rules – certain working hours, all our agents offering the service, precise technical requirements for the service, clear prices of the service and specific amounts of compensation.
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The Factor Express service is available in hundreds of offices across the country, serves thousands of customers and offers unrivaled quality and speed in servicing cash transfers from office to office of our partner.

Victoria Popova-Ivanova ( Client of Factor I.N. AD)

Pavlina Taseva (Client of Factor I.N. AD)

Nikolina Angelova ( Client of Factor I.N. AD)

Alex Konstantinova (Client of Factor I.N. AD)

Anjela Ivanova (Client of Factor I.N. AD)

Iliya Georgiev ( Client of Factor I.N. AD)